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Consider why media react in the way described. Are media consumers being formed by what is highlighted?

Consider why media react in the way described. Are media consumers being formed by what is highlighted? Are media outlets reacting to a preexisting consumer mindset? Or some combination of the two? How does all of this affect our lives, given the current conditions of the pandemic? Relate to David Foster Wallace on attention and […]

Research media sources and the CSU library and find an example of human rights abuse in China (or an any other country) that involves an MNC that has mishandled or mismanaged operations on the ground.

China has been widely criticized for its Human Rights issues. Research media sources and the CSU library and find an example of human rights abuse in China (or an any other country) that involves an MNC that has mishandled or mismanaged operations on the ground. Describe the human rights violations as you understand them. Recommend […]

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