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Identify the six organizational structures available to CPA firms. Why are most CPA firms not organized as general partnerships

ASSIGNMENT 1. State the four major types of services CPAs perform, and explain each.2. Identify the six organizational structures available to CPA firms. Why are most CPA firms not organized as general partnerships

Analyze how organizational leaders can use complexity theory to understand the mechanisms that drive the innovation process.

Designing Complex Adaptive Systems Review the assigned readings from Units 4-6 as well as your researched articles. You will use these resources to support your work; be sure you include both theoretical and practical application literature in this assignment. Requirements Complete the following: Analyze how organizational leaders can use complexity theory to understand the mechanisms […]

Compare and contrast your chosen structures analyzing the elements of each; How do your chosen structures compare with each other? What types of industries/organizations are best suited for your chosen structures?

Prompt: Choose four types of organization structures (such as functional, divisional, geographic, hybrid, horizontal, matrix, etc.) Compare and contrast your chosen structures analyzing the elements of each. Your paper should address the following: • Description of each structure – How is it designed? How does it function? • Positive and negative characteristics of each chosen […]

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