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Define the specific ways in which politicians can benefit from a partnership with organized crime, and in what ways the reverse is true. Cite one real-life example that has been covered in the news media, including what is perceived to have been gained by each side.

Answer these essay questions: Explain the significance of organized crime’s alliance with politicians and business leaders. Cite specific examples (federal, state or your local community), preferably current ones in the news that are not in the textbook. Define the specific ways in which politicians can benefit from a partnership with organized crime, and in what […]

Explain the organization of bootlegging and moon shining, including the differences of the production and distribution of white liquor and red liquor in the south.

Explain the prevailing social philosophy of many of the immigrant groups that migrated to the United States at the turn of the 20th Century. Explain the interlocking relationship between Italian, Irish, and Jewish gangsters during the 1920s and 1930s. Talk about the political corruption that was central to organized crime in both the North and […]

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