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Do you think that black southerners would agree with the statement that “amicable relations” had existed between the races for the past ninety years and that the Supreme Court decision threatened to undermine them?

In December 1955, Rosa Parks, a veteran of local black politics who worked as a tailor’s assistant in a Montgomery, Alabama, department store, refused to surrender her seat on a city bus to a white rider, as required by local law. Her arrest sparked a year-long bus boycott. Finally, the Supreme Court ruled segregation in […]

Discuss the value and role of being active in social justice work. Do you believe members of our society should actively engage in racial justice initiatives such as Black Lives Matter and if so why and how?

Description Discuss the value and role of being active in social justice work. Do you believe members of our society should actively engage in racial justice initiatives such as Black Lives Matter and if so why and how? Social Justice-Protesting Police Brutality Prison Reform-Mass Incarceration Compare and Contrast Essay Book Link:

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