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Explain what types of controls existed using the terminology in your reading (feedback, proactive, concurrent, strategic, operational, tactical, top-down, objective, normative, financial, nonfinancial), and how they were used.

First, think of an incident of business fraud or scandal in the news, or choose one that has been mentioned in your reading. Research the scandal, paying close attention to how it was possible for whatever went wrong to happen. In your post, specify the scandal you chose, and you MUST include in your post […]

What is an ethical decision-making? What ethical perspective can be used to analyze this case ? Identify any ethical and/or moral dilemmas faced by employees in this case. Make sure to cite relevant and credible research sources to support your arguments.

Here are the instructions of the professor: Read the assigned short case carefully and answer ALL questions below. Your response should be typed with a minimum of FIVE pages excluding the cover page, references and any attachments. Use 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman, 12 point font with a 1 inch margin. Please include page numbers […]

Discuss: news of the world phone hacking scandal.

Discuss:news of the world phone hacking scandal. Description Remember to focus on the behaviour of media professionals with regard to the issue you have chosen, and on the ethical debates given rise to in the media coverage of that issue, and not the issue itself. For example, if you are looking at the News of […]

How do(es) the text(s) represent/construct the scandal? Provide a bibliography at the end of your essay, following the Harvard style.

Choose one folder and using at least one text within that folder as your primary source(s), write an essay of 1500 words answering the following question: How do(es) the text(s) represent/construct the scandal? Provide a bibliography at the end of your essay, following the Harvard style.

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