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What are the advantages and disadvantages reported by the authors in using the respective technique in data collection? Are there any advantages or/and disadvantages not reported by the authors? Assess how these disadvantages may negatively impact the study and recommend strategies to overcome or mitigate the impact from these disadvantages.

Provide full references and the ABDC journal ranking category (rating A*, A, B or C) of each selected articles in this assignment. Pdf copy of the journals or the URL access link if a pdf copy is not available. Section 2: Address the following questions in this assignment: 1. Analyse the rationale given by the […]

Analyse and evaluate enquiry based learning theory and research in the light of current issues.

Description LO3Analyse and evaluate enquiry based learning theory and research in the light of current issues. LO4. Critically evaluate methods of enquiry including planning and the appropriate collection and analysis of secondary data Assignment B is an analytical report based on the

How can market research be used? What are some methods for collecting market research?

Write a 2 page essay on why market research is important. Please answer the following questions in your essay. How can market research be used? What are some methods for collecting market research? Are some more effective than others? Why? What is the difference between primary and secondary data.

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