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What do you think is the most troubling aspect of The Freiburg Address? Do you see any parallels between the nationalism expressed in this speech and attitudes in our own time?

What do you think is the most troubling aspect of The Freiburg Address? Do you see any parallels between the nationalism expressed in this speech and attitudes in our own time? And is Weber a good role model for applied sociologists? Be sure to draw upon at least one scholarly source (such as a journal […]

Use social structure to explain why Native Americans have such a low rate of college graduation?

Social Structure and Social Interaction: The major components of social structure are culture, social class, social status, roles, groups, and social institutions. Use social structure to explain why Native Americans have such a low rate of college graduation? You can substitute Asian Americans, African Americans or Latino/a Americans for Native Americans.

What is the thesis—or main argument—of the book? If the author wanted you to get one idea from the book, what would it be? How does it compare or contrast to the world you know? What has the book.

Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to develop your critical evaluation skills and to practice applying theoretical and substantive knowledge to the understanding of works of others. In this assignment, you are also required to provide an evaluation of Kendi’s How to be an Antiracist  and reflection on how your perspectives have changed or […]

Describe Rose getting choked by Chris and the police arrive. Describe why this is expected from colored.

Course Paper Film Selection & Outline. Title: Bonilla-Silva’s 4 Frames of Colorblind Racism Vs Get Out Thesis: Colorblindness racism is supposed to end racism yet or have less of it to help and eliminate discrimination so individuals can be equal but colorblindness is not enough to end racism it’s just sufficient for half. Finding if […]

Describe the functions of humor that Sanford and Eder observed in their research on how adolescents use humor.Does humor serve the same functions in gatherings of older people?

Describe the functions of humor that Sanford and Eder observed in their research on how adolescents use humor. Consider the following: 1. Does humor serve the same functions in gatherings of older people? 2. If you and your friends were sharing a meal in what ways would your interactions be the same as or different […]

Did you see, or did the authors acknowledge, any threats to external or internal validity?What is the central research question guiding the research?

Article review should be at least two full pages in length (double spaced). Please use 12 pt. Times New Roman, or Arial font.  The article review must include the full bibliographic reference of the article, the major research question that the article was asking and the major arguments of the article.  The best reviews will reflect that you engaged with the article, and will include […]

Identify a social issue of interest from a recent newspaper article and briefly describe the issue.Compare and contrast two middle-range theories that relate to the selected social issue.

Use two middle-range theories to discuss and explain any social issue (A theory comprising limited numbers of variables. Middle-range theories may be descriptive, explanatory (specifying relationships between two or more variables), or predictive (envisioning relationships between variables or effects of certain variables on others). Examples include the Health Belief Model, the Theory of Maternal Attachment, […]

Discuss how the Tuskegee Syphillis Study contributed to this requirement of most studies. One research technique/design that does not require “informed consent” is content analysis.

Define the term “informed consent.” Explain why it must be obtained to protect human subjects in sociological research. Discuss how the Tuskegee Syphillis Study contributed to this requirement of most studies. One research technique/design that does not require “informed consent” is content analysis. Explain why this is so. Review the guidelines for action assignments submit […]

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