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Conduct an original meta-analysis. The domain should contain a minimum of the 10 studies used in the annotated bibliography that I provided to you.

Conduct an original meta-analysis. The domain should contain a minimum of the 10 studies used in the annotated bibliography that I provided to you. Despite the small sample size (N of studies), include:
a) find original sources
b) code study characteristics
c) Write a paper according to SPA format. Present the extracted information in table for and write a summary of no more than 2-3 paragraphs single space of the findings.
d) Extract the following information from each article:
1. Name of the study.
2. Name of the author(s), year published.
3. Journal name.
4. Sampling Method .
5. Number of participants.
6. Race/Ethnicity of Participants.
7. Gender of participants.
8. Age of Participants.
9. Outcome Variables.
10. Statistical significant findings.

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