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Write an essay that discusses the links between the recent global war on terror and the issues of human rights and distributive justice in the international system.

Please write answers for the following essay question. This exam is worth 20% of the final grade. As with all exams, please provide foot or end notes and the list of your sources. Please use quotations when appropriate. All work must be turned in by the last day of the course. Please follow the directions for submitter found at the bottom of this assignment.
Part One:
Identify three specific and current issues/cases in the international system that are good examples of the ethical challenges facing nations and governments in the world today. Why have you chosen your three cases and what are the major ethical considerations or dilemmas posed by each?
Part Two:
Write an essay that discusses the links between the recent global war on terror and the issues of human rights and distributive justice in the international system. How will the emphasis on national/homeland and global security steal away the emphasis on human rights (human security) and distributive justice? (you may have to do some research on the web) Contrast the use of different ethical frameworks or theories (idealist, realist, religious etc.) discussed in the beginning of the class. How do they lead to very different answers to the question?
Part Three:
The US President has just appointed you to the newly formed cabinet position of Secretary of Foreign Policy and International Ethics. Your first task is to develop an ethical framework for the assessment of the country’s foreign policy. Describe the framework you would design to determine whether or not the nation is behaving ethically. What would you emphasize and what would be the foundation of your framework? Would you suggest major changes to the conduct of the US in the international system, why or why not? If so, how?
Part Four:
In reflection–what are the most important points that you have learned in this course? What are five questions that you would continue to research? Post in your final test document.

This test is meant to challenge your analytical and creative abilities. Be serious but enjoy it too.


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