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Critically discuss the broader impacts of increasing restrictions on photography in public spaces.

  1. Question: According to Melissa Miles, “street photography is circulating in ever more limited fields” (2015, 290). Critically discuss the broader impacts of increasing restrictions on photography in public spaces. Your essay should refer to both the history of street photography and to contemporary debates about privacy and photography in public spaces.
    Your essay should demonstrated wide reading and in-depth critical analysis. You are expected to draw upon the weekly readings that relate to your chosen essay topic as well as at least 6 academic sources from beyond the required and recommended readings. You must stay within 10% of the 2000 word count. Your reference list is not included in the word count. On the first page please include the following:

    There are three sets of criteria that are assessed in essays: reading and research; argument and analysis; and writing and structure. Within each of these sets, markers are looking for the following:
    Reading and research:
    • – evidence of critical engagement with set course materials.
    • – evidence of independent reading of appropriate academic material.
    • – evidence of thorough research (books, academic journals, media sources,
    archives – not random websites and Wikipedia entries) Argument and analysis:
    • – well-articulated and well supported argument.
    • – evidence of critical thinking (through taking a position in relation to key
    ideas from the course, and supporting this position)
    • – evidence of relational thinking (through making connections between key
    ideas from the course and wider literature, and supporting these connections)
    Writing and structure:
    – clear, logical and coherent structure.
    – clarity of expression – adequate referencing.


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