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Describe your business, product, unique selling proposition, and target market. Indicate why you think it will be successful. Describe your organization, marketing and distribution strategy.

The Business plan needs to be at least 20 pages long. The PowerPoint presentation needs to be 10 slides. All instructions are included
Business Project
Attached Files:
BA 318 Business Plan Rubric.doxx (14.337 KB)
GROUP BUSINESS PLAN BA 318 2014.doxx (14.258 KB)
See attached documents.

Business Plan Presentation Power Point
Attached Files:
BA 318 ES Presentation Rubric.doxx (12.405 KB)
Your business plan should include a power point presentation. The presentation should cover the following. It should be a presentation used to sell your idea to potential investors and be no longer than 10 slides. The presentation should be uploaded so that all class members can look at the class participants ideas.

1. Describe your business, product, unique selling proposition, and target market.
2. Indicate why you think it will be successful.
3. Describe your organization, marketing and distribution strategy
4. Explain how will you manufacture your product or services
5. Give an overview of your financials and discuss the amount of money your need to start your business.

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