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Family ministry philosophy from a Protestant Evangelical perspective.

Some suggested sources or references are Pastor Rick Warren’s 2 books “THE PURPOSE DRIVEN CHURCH” , and “THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE”.. also MOST ANY book or magazine on evangelical YOUTH MINISTRY OR DISCIPLESHIP OR, MOST ANYTHING BY AUTHORS DOUG FIELDS, especially “THE PURPOSE DRIVEN YOUTH MINISTRY”, or “PARENTING TODAY’S ADOLESCENT” by Dennis & Barbara Raina, or most any Christian books or magazines on Adolescent and Child development, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOU MUST USE THE SMALL BOOK TITLED, “SHIFT” (what it takes to reach Families today) by BRIAN HAYNES , The focus of the paper must be about this book called “SHIFT”!!! THE PAPER IS TO CREATE AND DESIGN A MODEL FOR FAMILY MINISTRY. IT IS ESSENTIALLY A DISCIPLESHIP PAPER. How did Jesus do it and how was it done in the old testament?? The entire book SHIFT is FOUNDED UPON the principles of the SHAME in Deuteronomy 6:5-7. The paper should be laced with scriptural references so the king James Bible can be a source or reference as well. The paper explains through modeling and teaching how parents disciple their children to be like CHRIST!!! The tiny book SHIFT which is only about 136 pages has 7 milestones that must be used which are stages of child and adolescent development in Christian growth. According to class requirements, the paper needs to discuss these 7 milestones and maybe use some of these other sources to confirm them. Israelis children were taught in the old testament by the principles of the Shem in Duet.6:5-7 . How do we institute those today in our churches. Also according to the class requirements, the paper needs to have these sections within the paper–After the Introduction, 1. The Theological component of the Family Ministry model, 2. The Educational Component of the family ministry model, 3.THE BASIC STRUCTURE OF THE BOOK “SHIFT” ,MILESTONES OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT, 1 THRU 7 WITH AN EXPLANATION OF MILESTONE, and LASTLY, THE APPLICATION of how parents do this, and of course some type of bibliography at the end.

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