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Submit a business case proposal, which is a summary of your selected business case for the course project.

Submit a business case proposal, which is a summary of your selected business case for the course project. The business case proposal will be submitted as a Word document and in paragraph form. This business case proposal provides your instructor insight into the project you are selecting and allows for instructor feedback and guidance in terms of the scope of the business case for the purpose of this course.

The first milestone of the course project is an introduction. The sections to include as part of the introduction are:
Background – This section provides information about the system, processes, and other aspects of the system such that the reader can understand the business problem in the context of the system.
Problem Statement – This section should clearly state the problem to be solved, why it is a problem, and how it impacts the system.
Audience – This section should discuss your communication plan, identify the different audience types in the project, and what type of information is communicated to each audience type.
Note that the course project intent is to introduce students to an entire systems analyst process. Each milestone is fairly significant in size if performing an actual project. For the intended learning and exposure to the course project topics, please know that assumptions will have to be made and that any such assumptions should be documented

Project Assessment Task 1
you ‘re required to Develop a “RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN” for a company(e.g coffee shop, restaurant or any , please note that I work in restaurant so most of my Tasks are for restaurant or coffee shop BUT its up to you).
Read the instructions page80 week2.
Project Assessment Task 2.
Written questions Task3.

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