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Write a proposal outlining your project for a group that includes you, to do a public performance of a pop song of your choosing that will draw public attention to an important social or political issue in your community.

An international arts organization is seeking proposals for live music projects that will empower local communities.

Write a proposal outlining your project for a group that includes you, to do a public performance of a pop song of your choosing that will draw public attention to an important social or political issue in your community. In your proposal, explain why the song you have chosen will be able to draw attention to the issue and how you think a performance of it could empower and inspire change in the community.To answer this question, you will need to:• Explain what the issue is and why it is important. Identify and present an issue that is impacting people in your community that you think deserves immediate attention. For example, there may be an environmental issue in your hometown that has been ongoing for a number of years, or an injustice against a group of marginalized people in your capital city that you want to draw attention to, etc. Ensure you have sufficient evidence to argue for the importance and urgency of the issue.• Explain what song you have chosen and why it will draw attention to the issue. Undertake additional wider reading to consider the background behind the song you have chosen. This could include things like: why the song was written, what the songwriter’s political stance was on relevant issues, the cultural background of the songwriter, why and when the song was popular, etc. Use this information to explain why it’s the right song to highlight the issue chosen.• Describe how the performance will look and sound and explain your choices. Consider how your research above will inform the performance by your group. You should consider things like when and where the performance will take place (including the time of day, date, time of year, venue or location), as well as how the group will present themselves, what the song will sound like (use appropriate terms to describe to vocal characteristics), how the song will be interpreted by the group (if appropriate – for instance you may have a creative interpretation of a particular lyric), and what the intended impact of these things will be on the audience.• You must choose a song that you have not studied in this subject. This includes songs studied in lectures, tutorials and in your assignments. Hence, DO NOT pick songs by Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, David Bowie, The Beatles, Maria Carey, Sam Smith, Lady Gaga or Madonna.An effective proposal should be structured using an introduction, body and conclusion. It can include headings to organize the sections, as well as pictures if necessary.Make sure you do wider reading using a variety of sources (such as videos, news articles, academic journals, web pages etc.) to support your proposal.You must acknowledge when you have used someone else’s idea by referencing appropriately.

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