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Writing an essay on the topic: In “Darwin Was a Slacker and You Should Be Too” Alex sounding Kim pang argues that workaholics have nothing to be proud of because they aren’t as efficient as they think.

Writing an essay on the topic: In “Darwin Was a Slacker and You Should Be Too” Alex sounding Kim pang argues that workaholics have nothing to be proud of because they aren’t as efficient as they think. Should students take his hints to study less but more deliberately? Why or Why not? Link to paper: http://nautil.us/issue/46/balance/Darwin was a slacker and you should be too.Our teacher mainly grades and focuses on how well we present are arguments, and the approach we use to communicate to our readers, when writing must include thesis outline, and when writing body paragraphs we need to follow a structure: claim +evidence, explain and link, articulate assumptions, if there are counter arguments acknowledge them.Following in the attached document are links she gave us to help with research in the topic, must somehow incorporate at least one of the research she provides to us.

In this comparative essay, discuss the role of prominent secondary characters in two different novels below:
1) All the King’s Men (by Robert Penn Warren)
2) Wise Blood (Flannel O’Connor)
It is extremely important to look at the PDF file named “ENGL227 Comparative essay guidelines (MUST READ)” attached in the additional materials section.
This PDF file basically contains ALL required criteria required for this comparative essay. Make sure that you strictly follow these guidelines when writing this paper. The essay should be 100% original and not plagiarized from anyone else’s work. NEVER paraphrase any already existing essay and just change the wordings.

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