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Create a four to five page essay about how segregation and/or gentrification have impacted communities in the United States.


Using ML format, create a four to five page essay about how segregation and/or gentrification have impacted communities in the United States. In your argument you must also explain how governments and private industries have used “justice” arguments to allow segregation and/or gentrification.For this essay you must cite at least twice from the book “Justice: What’s The Right Thing To Do” (using chapters 2, 3 and 6) and twice from the book “The Color Of Law” (using pages 1-100)Also, follow these guidelines to build your arguments:Make certain that your thesis states the topic and asserts something specific and significant about it. Underline the thesis, which should be the last sentence in your introductory paragraph.Your topic sentences should point backward in that they prove part of the thesis, and they should also point forward in that they are a predictor of what will be discussed in particular paragraphs.Check for coherence in your paper. Link your ideas together by using transitions and/or inserting phrases or subordinate clauses when appropriate.Your conclusion should drive home the main idea of the essay and summarize key concepts that you want your reader to take away from your essay.


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