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What should be the role of treatment in juvenile facilities?

Sources: Listen to the podcast https://www.npr.org/2014/06/04/318801651/burning-down-the-house-makes-the-case-against-juvenile-incarceration?sc=tw<br>Answer the Description: This 37-minute Fresh Air interview addresses how we should treat children and adolescents who have committed crimes, many of whom have Conduct Disorder.http://n.pr/1ovrcBl<br><br>1. According to the book’s author, what is the biggest predictor of adult incarceration? Why might that be?2.What should be the role of treatment in juvenile facilities? 3. What do the evidence-based What programs do that is different from other facilities? Read this article Len, A. S., &amp; Slaughterhouse, K. M. (2015). Meta-analysis of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for treating POTSDAM and co-occurring depression among children and adolescents. Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation, 6, 18–32. dpi:10.1177/2150137815573790 1. What is trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy?  How would this treatment involve children and their parents? 2. What were the results of this study? How did these results vary by group (age, gender, etc.)? What does this say about the efficacy of this therapy? 3. What are the implications of this study? With whom should this therapy be used? Are there any limitations to this study?


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