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Discuss why you consider the first supplement to be safe and why you consider the second to be suspect.

Topic: Nutrition

Find a major supermarket, ENC, pharmacy, etc. that carries a variety of dietary supplements and take a few minutes to wander the aisles and examine what they have to offer. Find one supplement that looks to be generally safe for normal use and a second that seems suspicious in some way (iffy, dangerous, misleading, worthless, or unsavory). You don’t need to purchase these supplements, but take some notes about the ingredients, warnings, recommended use, nutrient information. Using the resources in the Dietary Supplements module, as well as the Tolerable Upper Limit Table on pg 538-541 of the USDA DRIP Guide, discuss why you consider the first supplement to be safe and why you consider the second to be suspect.  Be specific with your argument. If there is information in the primary literature about the safety, or risk of taking these substances, feel free to include it.


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