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Write a Quality Public Inquiry Presentation.

Assignment 2 Safety &amp; Quality Public Inquiry Presentation;Guidelines for presentation 1. Choose a public inquiry from the list below or you can choose one of your own (We have chosen a public inquiry in Bristol Royal Infirmary). A power point presentation or equivalent is required and full details are below.You will provide a 5-minute presentation using power point (or alternative) on the topic of your chosen public inquiry. Your maximum time is 5 MINUTES 2.Total presentation time must not exceed 5 minutes.Effective time management forms part of the assessment criteria.<br>Presentations should incorporate the following structure: a.Introduction– you need to introduce the inquiry, outline relevant findings and discuss the outcome. b.Stimulating presentation – The presentation should be realistic and effectively convey the inquiry findings as listed below. Creativity is encouraged. Assistance can be provided with presentation style Power point etc. c.Conclusion- the presentation is formally brought to a close with a summary of the main aspects of the presentation.5.Every effort should be made to make this presentation interesting and motivating. It is a substantial assignment and is worth 35% of the total marks for the unit.6. The criteria used to mark presentations can be used as a checklist when planning and rehearsing.Choose a public inquiry and address the following issues:What happened? How it happened? Who was involved? Why did it go undetected for the period of time? What recommendations were made? Revisit literature to find out if any comments made about the implications of the recommendations, Examine issues for example Has it occurred anywhere else? What group(s) of professionals were involved? Who discovered the problem? NB This is not an exhaustive list; it can be tackled any way you feel will give an overall impression and convey the implications for health care services quality &amp; safety. Some famous inquiries include:Ship man Inquiry, Bristol Royal Infirmary, King Edward Memorial Hospital, The Littoral Inquiry, Abundance Inquiry, Royal Liverpool Children’s OHS Trust Inquiry comment :1) We have chosen a public inquiry in Bristol Royal Infirmary. 2)  I have attached some useful documents.

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