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Write a Research Paper on the Issue of “Preventing Sexual Abuse of Children in Out of Home Care.”

Australian Research Paper will need to be based on  the attached Issue of “Preventing Sexual Abuse of Children in Out of Home Care”, but the research question you need to answer is submission 2 which asks “Is there evidence for having different strategies to keep children in COHO safe from sexual abuse depending upon whether a child is in relative or kinship care, foster care or one of the forms of residential care?” Ensure the paper is includes the below criteria: Statement of an innovative research problem and argument design.Legal and interdisciplinary research methodology.Critical analysis of legal and interdisciplinary data and theories.Ensure the research paper is based on Australian Legislation and information. The paper needs to be on the attached issue and base majority of the the paper on the Submission 2 question. Do not address any other submission or issue.

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