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Critically discuss the methodological aspects of your chosen review using an appropriate critical appraisal tool to guide your discussions.

For this module you are assessed through a 2,000-word assignment.
You should present your assignment in two parts.
Part 1 (1000 words)
For part 1 you will be required to.
Develop ONE research question.
Use a framework e.g. PIC to develop your question
Include a table to show how the framework was used
Develop a search strategy for your research question
List All of the sources you would search to systematically identify all of the evidence to answer your research question. Justify your choice of sources.
Conduct a database search in INHALANT and in Medline via KC library
Provide commentary on key terms and decisions taken in the execution of your search
Explain your use of truncation, wildcards, Boolean operators, and limiters justifying each decision.
Note: words in tables do not count toward your word count.

Part 2 (1000 words)
For part 2 you will be required to;
Choose a systematic review from the list of systematic reviews provided.
Critically discuss the methodological aspects of your chosen review using an appropriate critical
appraisal tool to guide your discussions. Support your discussion with evidence from current literature.

How to present your assignment
Part 1 (1000 words)
1. Discuss the background to your research question.
2. State your research question in bold.
3. Describe how and why you used your chosen framework e.g. PIC.
4. Include a table to show how the framework was used.
5. List the sources you would search to systematically identify all of the evidence to answer your research question. Justify your choice of sources.
6. Provide commentary on key terms and decisions taken in the execution of your search
7. Explain your use of truncation, wildcards, Boolean operators, and limiters giving a justification for each decision
Include the search output for both database searches as an appendix to your assignment.

Part 2 (1000 words)
1.Indicate which Systematic Review you selected.
2. Critically discuss the methodological aspects of your chosen review using an appropriate critical appraisal tool to guide your discussion.

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