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How can this plan be altered so that it becomes an interdisciplinary plan?

Review the Case Study (PDF).
How can this plan be altered so that it becomes an interdisciplinary plan? In reflecting on the probability that your plan will be successful, discuss the answers to the following questions. (Each of the following five questions is worth two points.)
Discuss the implications of the fact that there is not a quality grocery store near his home and that while fresh produce is not readily available, there is a fast food restaurant across the street from his home.
What about the fact his school has soda and junk food vending machines on every floor and the lunch menu lists pizza as a vegetable?
What about the fact his mother has never learned to prepare fresh fruits or vegetables, has never seen an avocado, and has never been taught how to prepare dinners that incorporate healthy foods?
What about the fact his neighborhood is one in which jogging, running, or walking might not be the safest things to do, and as a result his exercise is highly curtailed?
What is the likelihood that this young man will have a positive health outcome in the years to come if the previous items are not addressed?
Re framing the Case Study: Treatment Options
In this case study, a partnership must be forged not only with other healthcare providers, but also with the school, the child’s mother, community leaders, private corporations, and public health departments.
Discuss the answers to the following questions. (Each of the following four questions is worth two points.)
What kinds of public-private partnerships could you forge to change the access to fruits and vegetables and decrease the potential for disparities based on race, neighborhood, and countless other factors?
What types of partnerships with local government and perhaps private entities might enable members to tear down several abandoned buildings and turn the lot into a park for recreation and exercise for the neighborhood?
What school and community leaders could be approached to eliminate the junk food and soda vending machines from the school?
What research data could you bring to or interpret for a policymaker that would help the policymaker sell the idea to his/her colleagues? (Cite a source, not older than 5 years, for the research data. Attach a copy of the source.

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