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Write a Proposal for early testing and treatment for diabetes.

RUN 322
Date: Proposal due by Oct. 3

Project # 1
Write a Proposal

Write a proposal to develop a group that you will run (See Corey, pages 355-417). The focus of the group is to address any issue of interest to you. For example: victims of rape; neighborhood crime; diabetes; obesity; professional development, smoking cessation, etc. The proposal is addressed to a group of board members with the authority to grant or deny permission for the group and assist with providing funding and or meeting space as well as being a conduit for access to attracting group membership.
1. Write a proposal: go online to review how to write a proposal (I will review your proposal and provide feedback up to 2X prior to due date (up to 2 weeks before proposal is due).
a. The rationale will be a minimum of 350-500 words;
b. Convince the board why your group will be of benefit to the community;
c. Identify the target group your proposal will benefit;
d. Write up to 3 objectives (or outcomes) that your group proposal will accomplish;
e. Research the Web for ‘how to’; also see pg. 355-417 Corey, Corey, & Corey.
2. Following the rationale for the proposal
a. write up to 3 objectives (outcomes) specifying what the group will accomplish
b. benefit to the community.
3. Describe basis for group membership.
a. level of participation.
b. type of participation.
4. Identify the number of participants.
a. How large will your group be?
b. Why?
5. Stipulate number of sessions (how many times will the group meet to accomplish its purpose?)
a. weekly meeting day(s), length of time per each session.
6. Spell out the rules group members will abide by.
a. behaviors expected.
b. behaviors not tolerated.
7. Rules governing group leader(s)
a. Will there be one leader/two leaders.
8. Delivery Format:
a. Live in class or create a video with 2 or 3 of your classmates who will sit as members of your group. The meeting you will videotape will entail either (select one):
b. Submitting your proposal to the board requesting permission to establish the group (classmates will act as board members)
c. Holding the initial meeting with your group where you lay the ground work for establishing the group.
d. Running a meeting where you and the group members are grappling with a specific issue during the session.
e. Running the last meeting focusing on how you will terminate the group sessions.
9. Meet with me/ call me if desired.
a. Clarification.
10. See layout of paper below;

Date: Proposal due date.
RUN 322;

Proposal: title of project

Part I: Full proposal is to be a minimum of 350-500 words (not more than 3 pages). If funding is required, include a discussion of the budget being requested.

Part II: List 3-5 objectives/outcomes (see Bloom’s Taxonomy)—objectives are written in action format and must be achievable within specified time frame of your group sessions.

Part III: List topics to be discussed.

Part IV: Identify requirements for group membership (be specific—attendance, behavior, etc.).

Part V: List topics to be discussed for each meeting.

Part VI: Identify meeting days, time, place (start date, end date).

Part VI: Provide brief overview/description of group leader (50-75 words).

Part VII: Identify sources of your research (SPA format).


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