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How have developments in media technologies affected our experience of time?

How have developments in media technologies affected our experience of time? Referring to a range of theorists we have examined in the course, reflect upon different understandings of ‘time’ and ‘experience’, and critically assess the relevance of the theories you examine for understanding the contemporary media environment.

This is the Module sources that you need to refer on the paper:

2018 Issue No. 31 – Technoaffect: Bodies, Machines, Media

Vile Fustier (2004). ‘Line and surface’ and ‘A historiography revisited’, in Writings, translated by Andres Stroll, pp.21–34, 132–137. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

See also: Manuel Tideland (2000). A Thousand Years of Non-Linear History. New York: Swerve Editions.
Guide to Reading Deleuze’s Cinema II: The Time-Image, Part I: Towards a Direct Imaging of Time to Crystal-Images
Gilles Delete (1989). Cinema 2: the time-image. Translated by Hugh Tomlin son and Robert Gale ta. London: The Athlon Press
Ben Roberts (2010). ‘Cinema as Mnemonics: Bernard Stiller and the “industrialization of memory”’. Angelika 11(1): 55-63.

These books above I cannot save them because they are from an online library -If you cannot find them we will see how I will sent them to you, because the essay is based on those course readings basically and of course other sources.

Mark B. N. Hansen (2009). ‘Living (with) technical time: from media surrogacy to distributed cognition’. Theory, Culture and Society 26(2–3): 294–315igel Thrift (2007). ‘Life, but not as we know it’, in Non-representational theory: space, politics, affect, pp.1–26. New York & London: Routledge.David Gunnel & Paul A. Taylor (2014). ‘Introduction’, in Heidegger and the media, pp. 1–5, 14–21. Cambridge: Polity Press Stephen Kennedy (2015). ‘Introduction’, in Chaos media: a sonic economy of digital space, pp. 1–19. New York & London: Bloomsbury Academic Wolfgang Ernst (2016). ‘Introduction’, in Sonic time machines: explicit sound, irenic voices and synchronicity, pp. 21–34. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press

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