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Write an annotated bibliography comprising of six high quality peer reviewed academic literature.


This assessment task is based on ROSIE 2: the child protection home visit simulation. Imagine that you are the children’s allocated social worker in this simulated child protection home visit. Focusing on three consecutive scenes, carry out a comprehensive risk assessment. Secondly, drawing on the key concepts of this course, critically reflect on the meaning-making processes, decision-making processes, and the multitude of factors that influenced and shaped those three decisions.

Write an annotated bibliography comprising of six high quality peer reviewed academic literature. Your review should clearly indicate how each of these resources will be used in substantiating your arguments.

The reference list does not count towards the total word count for this assessment task.
For this assessment task you are required to submit an essay (2800 words) for the following essay question:

This assessment task is based on ROSIE 2: the child protection home visit simulation. Imagine that you are the children’s allocated social worker in this simulated child protection home visit. Focusing on three consecutive scenes, carry out a comprehensive risk assessment. Secondly, drawing on the key concepts of this course, critically reflect on the meaning-making processes, decision-making processes, and the multitude of factors that influenced and shaped those three decisions.


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