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Education, Teaching and Learning: Develop your critical understanding of research and policy literature in the field of education.

iPGCE/MA ETL Module 1

EDU6168 – Education, Teaching and Learning


This module consists of two assessment points, one in November and one in January. Each assignment carries 50% of the overall module grade. The submission deadlines for both assignments can be found on MOLE. You need to upload the electronic copy of your assignment to MOLE, to arrive by the submission deadline .We strongly advise you to submit in good time, so any technical issues can be sorted out before the deadline passes. Before we list the assessment tasks and criteria, here is a reminder of the Module Aims and Learning Outcomes.

Module Aims


This unit aims to:

A1 – extend your understanding of a range of planning, teaching and assessment strategies, both internationally and within students’ own contexts;

A2 – develop your critical understanding of research and policy literature in the field of education;

A3 – encourage the critical evaluation of both country- and subject-specific issues in education and reflect upon these in relation to your own context, including reflection on your own practice;

A4 – enable you to critically engage with and evaluate research, inspection and policy evidence in relation to your own context;

A5 – enable you to identify aspects of your own subject knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge which need to be developed in order to enhance your teaching and impact pupils’ learning.

Intended Learning Outcomes for the Module


By the end of the unit, you will be able to demonstrate:

LO1 – an understanding of a range of planning, teaching and assessment strategies, both internationally and within your own contexts;

LO2 – a critical understanding of research and policy literature in the field of education,

LO3 – the ability to critically evaluate country- and subject-specific issues in education and reflect upon these in relation to your own context, including reflection on your own practice;

LO4 – the ability to critically engage with and evaluate research, inspection and policy evidence in relation to your own context;

LO5 – the ability to identify aspects of your own subject knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge which need to be developed in order to enhance your teaching and impact pupils’ learning.


ASSESSMENT POINT 1: Teaching Activity Portfolio

You are required to plan, conduct, evaluate and reflect on a teaching activity in an educational context of your choice, bringing in relevant policy and academic literature. The overall Portfolio word count is 3,000 words (please check the School of Education word count policy – you may go over without penalty by 5% of the required word count. You may write less than the specified word count without penalty, however, you may be challenged on not doing the assignment justice), and should highlight a specific pedagogy-related focus. For example, you may choose to focus on group-work, a starter activity, inquiry-based learning, vocabulary testing, etc. The focus should be chosen to complement your own development needs and ambitions, and the activity should be short and contained – no more than one lesson! At a minimum, you must submit for assessment:

  • An annotated lesson plan, linking to relevant policy documents (curriculum, assessment criteria, etc., as appropriate) – approximate word count: 500
  • An academic companion piece, to provide context and academic background – approximate word count: 2,500. The academic piece should include the following (word counts are approximate and intended as guidelines to illustrate weight/focus:
    • Introduction (~300 words) – outlining why you chose to use this particular activity for your assessment, highlighting the academic focus, and the reason for choosing it.
    • Context (~400 words) – a brief introduction to the educational context you are working in (country, school, year group, specific issues of interest or concern), and your role within it – do link to academic and policy literature.
    • Exploring the academic focus (~1000 words) – drawing on academic literature and linking to your activity, critically explore previous academic work in the pedagogical field you have chosen, i.e. if your focus is on a group work activity, your literature should focus on group work – try and find literature relevant to your context (culture, country, year group, sector), and critically situate your activity within the existing field. Use the discussion boards to share your thoughts and gain further insights.
    • A personal/professional reflection (~500 words) – how did the activity go? What happened, why did it happen, and how does what happened relate to the literature you previously cited?
    • Conclusion (~300 words) – possibly leading on from the reflection, what are you taking away from the activity in terms of your own pedagogical development?
  • References from all documents cited in the portfolio, following referencing guidelines. The References section is not part of the overall word count (but authors/citations in the main text are!).

NB: You should NOT name the educational establishment or specific students. You may include images of student work (but *not* students!), if relevant, in appendices or in the main text, provided they are anonymised. This is NOT a research study, and you should not gather data (e.g. student questionnaires, interviews, etc.), nor analyse results (e.g. compare/contrast test results pre- and post-activity), but showing work completed as part of the activity is permissible.

Your portfolio should be submitted as a single document, via MOLE.

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