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Evaluate what, if any, options with regard to financial activities your company should consider (i.e., how can the company improve financial performance)? What impact would each of these have on the above ratios?

Choose a nationally recognized company for providing high-quality services or products. Management is concerned that the company is not fully exploiting its brand power.  Imagine that Company’s production managers are concerned because their productive capacities are not operating at near full capacity. Management is currently considering a proposal to offer a new line of affordable new products or services.

Option #1: Liquidity, Profitability and Solvency Analysis

Go to the SEC’s EDGAR database to find a company’s current 10-K form.  Do not use a 10-K filing that was not filed in the current year.  (For example, choose a company’s 12/31/2017 10-K filing, filed in 2018.)

The SEC’s EDGAR database is located here:


Use the ‘Company Search’ to locate your company.  Then, enter ’10-K’ in the ‘Filing Type’ box to find the latest filing.

Read the 10-K and use it to calculate the following ratios.  Be sure to clearly label and show your calculations and reference the information from the 10-K in APA format.

  1. A) Compute the following liquidity ratios for your selected company:
  2. Current ratio
  3. Accounts receivable turnover
  4. Average collection period
  5. Inventory turnover (if the company does not have inventory, note and skip)
  6. Days in inventory (if the company does not have inventory, note and skip)
  7. Current cash debt coverage
  8. B) Compute the following solvency ratios for your selected company:
  9. Debt to asset ratio
  10. Times interest earned
  11. Cash debt coverage
  12. Free cash flow
  13. C) Compute the following profitability ratios for your selected company:
  14. Profit margin
  15. Asset turnover
  16. Return on assets
  17. Return on common stockholders’ equity.
  18. D) Interpret your findings for the ratio comparatives analysis your selected company.
  19. E) Evaluate what, if any, options with regard to financial activities your company should consider (i.e., how can the company improve financial performance)? What impact would each of these have on the above ratios?

Show your work and use Excel or Word for your submission. The written portion of your assignment should be four to six pages in length with document and citation formatting conformity with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA RequirementsYour calculations are not included in the page requirement of the written portion of your assignment.

Option #2: Analysis of Alternative Production Scenarios

Go to the SEC’s EDGAR database to find a company’s current 10-K form.  Do not use a 10-K filing that was not filed in the current year.  (For example, choose a company’s 12/31/2017 10-K filing, filed in 2018.)

The SEC’s EDGAR database is located here:


Use the ‘Company Search’ to locate your company.  Then, enter ’10-K’ in the ‘Filing Type’ box to find the latest filing.

Read the 10-K and use it to calculate the following ratios.  Be sure to clearly label and show your calculations and reference the information from the 10-K in APA format.

Please choose a nationally recognized company for providing high-quality services or products. Management is concerned that the company is not fully exploiting its brand power.  Imagine that Company’s production managers are concerned because their productive capacities are not operating at near full capacity. Management is currently considering a proposal to offer a new line of affordable new products or services.

Those in favor of the proposal (including the vice president of production) believe that, by offering these new products or services, the company could attract a clientele that it is not currently servicing. Also, it could operate its plants at full capacity, thus taking better advantage of its assets.

The vice president of marketing, however, believes that the lower-priced (and lower-margin) product or service would have a negative impact on the sales of existing products or services. The vice president believes that the equivalent of 20% of current year’s sales of the new low cost product or service will be from customers that would have purchased the more expensive product but switched to the lower-margin product or service because it was available. (This is often referred to as cannibalization of existing sales.) Top management feels, however, that even with cannibalization, the company’s sales will increase and the company will be better off.


Current Year’s data are available in the 10K you retrieved. Please calculate Proposed Results Amounts and fill out the table below as indicated.


(In thousands) Current Results Proposed Results without


Proposed Results with


Sales Revenue Current year’s sales $…… $….Increase of 30% from current year’s sales $….Increase of 10% from current year’s sales
Net Income Current year’s net income $……… $… Increase  by 8% from current year’s net income $….Same as current year’s net income
Average total assets $….(Beginning Assets Balance + Ending Assets Balance)/2 $…Same as current year’s Average Total Assets $…Same as current year’s Average Total Assets
  1. B) Identify the chosen company, its products/services and simulate or create a lower margin product or service for it. Do not determine price, cost or margin for the product; just name and describe it.
  2. C) Compute your chosen company’s return on assets, profit margin, and asset turnover; both with and without cannibalization of the new product or service.
  3. D) Discuss the implications that your findings in parts (A, B and C) have on each Executive’s assessment of performance and final decision.
  4. E) Are there any other options that the Company and Executives should consider? What impact would each of these alternatives have on the above ratios?

Show your work and use Excel or Word for your submission. The written portion of your assignment should be four to six pages in length with document and citation formatting in conformity with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA RequirementsYour calculations are not included in the page requirement of the written portion of your assignment.

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