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Explain how you think critically about these issues, why these specific aspects of state and local government are influential to you, and then detail how you will use this information as you progress through “life” (How will you be engaged in civic life?).

Develop an essay (700 word MINIMUM) explaining one or two of the MOST important or influential things you learned in Government class this semester.  Explain how you think critically about these issues, why these specific aspects of state and local government are influential to you, and then detail how you will use this information as you progress through “life” (How will you be engaged in civic life?).

While there is no “wrong” answer, there can be incomplete answers.  Make sure to address each component of the prompt, and pay particular attention to the last part asking you to describe how you will use the information as you go forward.  Also, make sure you do not use an essay (or even major portions of an essay) that you have submitted for homework or another exam (no interest group, no civil rights, etc.). This essay must be new and original material.  Additionally, make sure you focus on just one or two SPECIFIC aspects of government; do NOT give me an overview of the semester and say it was all important. You must narrow the essay and get detailed in your explanation. USE critical thinking!

– Course Introduction and Texas Political Culture

– TX Political Culture and TX Constitution

– TX Constitution and Federalism

– Ideologies and Political Parties

– Elections and Campaigns

– Voting and Participation

– Interest Groups

-Interest Groups and Legislature

– Legislature

– Governor/Plural Executive

– Judiciary

– Justice System

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