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Identify and explain/justify any changes to the Value Chain you think are appropriate. If no changes, explain why not. (minimum of 1 page)

Case Study Assignment 3 Instructions

Case Study Assigned: Best Buy Co., Inc.


This is your third case study assignment out of four. For this assignment, you will need to access the full-length case study you have been assigned at the top of this page within your Case Studies E-Book. You are required to read and analyze this case study.

Your analysis must:

  • Describe the company’s current Value Chain. (minimum of 1 page)
  • Identify and explain/justify any changes to the Value Chain you think are appropriate. If no changes, explain why not. (minimum of 1 page)
  • Provide a total of four findings of fact; 1 from the following four functional areas of business:
    • Management
    • Marketing
    • Finance or Accounting
    • Management Information Systems
  • Provide a full justification and recommendation for each finding of fact (minimum of 1 page each)


Case Study Assignment 3 should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and not exceed 10 pages.

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