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Explain the relationship between the rate of diffusion and the size of the solute. What do you think changes in temperature such as cold/hot would have on the diffusion rate?

  1. Explain the relationship between the rate of diffusion and the size of the solute. What do you think changes in temperature such as cold/hot would have on the diffusion rate?
  2. Explain the relationship between fluid volume and osmotic pressure.
  3. Describe a situation that demonstrates diffusion and a situation that demonstrates osmosis occurring either in the human body or in the environment.
  4. Choose the tissue type you think is most important in the human body and explain your reasoning.
  5. Differentiate the different muscle tissue types and bone tissue by structure and function.
  6. Differentiate the cellular activity during the three phases of a muscle contraction.
  7. Explain the involvement of motor units during a muscle contraction to lift a 5lb weight versus a 50lb weight.
  8. Describe the functional advantage of synovial joints.
9.    Using the picture of the man jumping as a reference, provide the correct answer for the questions below.

a.    Name the articulation indicated by a circle. (Hint: It’s the name of the two main bones)


b.    Name the action occurring at the hip joint.


c.    Name the action occurring in the joint indicated by the square.


d.    Name the muscle indicated by the arrow that points the ankle upwards.


e.    Name the muscle that flexes the right shoulder.


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