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Explain your work when needed and support all your arguments with good data/analysis and/or references. Include References in good style.

Drug likeness – homework5 (100%)

  1. For the following set of compounds: show if they are drug-like or not (as applied to orally bioavailable drugs), use different measures. (24%)

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  1. Are the compounds likely to penetrate the brain? Use different measures to estimate this. (24%)
  1. You are a CEO of a pharmaceutical company; produce a set of rules for your discovery scientists to reduce the attrition rates of your candidate drugs. (52%)

Note and Tip:

Explain your work when needed and support all your arguments with good data/analysis and/or references.  Include References in good style.

Course work should be in good presentation, include your name, page number, good grammar and no spelling mistakes. Think how you can present your data most effectively.

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