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Develop an argument wherein you take a position on which theory of happiness (from among our philosophers) is the better one.

Develop an argument wherein you take a position on which theory of happiness (from among our philosophers) is the better one.

During our first class together this term, I said that this course was a “self-help” course about how to achieve happiness. We have read works from four significant ancient philosophers: Plato, Aristotle, and Lucretius. They each seem to have a “theory” of happiness. That is, all of them, in varying degrees of detail, offer readers their prescription for what it means to have, and how to achieve, a happy life.

Develop an argument wherein you take a position on which theory of happiness (from among our philosophers) is the better one.

Note that your argument should include the following elements:

* Explain how Lucretius suggests we attain happiness.

* Explain at least one other theory of happiness (from Plato or Aristotle).

* Indicate and explain that the theories of happiness you discuss are the same, similar, or dissimilar.

* If the theory you claim is the better one has faults or limitations, be sure to address that.

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