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Using Machine Learning Techniques to Determine the Special Factors Affecting Delays in National Airline Flights.

Using Machine Learning Techniques to Determine the Special Factors Affecting Delays in National Airline Flights.

Our approach will depend on trying various machine learning techniques on a real data from a national airline company.
The different ways that our data can be viewed, mapped, and associated with other data such as regional weather, religious dates and times will be our space of trials to experiment to reach to the best model.
Our steps will be as follows:
1 Data collection and cleaning
2 Learning different machine learning techniques that can be used in prediction.
3 Trying each or combination of machine learning techniques on manipulated data.
4 Variation of our training data by cleaning, mapping or appending other related data.
5 Repeating steps 3 and 4 until reaching to the best model.

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