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Blockchain Technology Creation, development, and future uses.

Blockchain Technology Creation, development, and future uses.

  • Minimum of eight full pages of written content, double spaced, using a 10-11 font size.
  • Your final paper should include eight full pages of written content, in addition to a cover page, reference page and an appendix page (if needed for charts, footnotes, etc.).• The purpose of the paper is to provide an in-depth study of this emerging technology, discuss how it is currently used and fully describe the potential impact it may have on businesses in the future.
  • The writing style and paper content should be clear and readable, with a proper flow (that is, “university-level academic writing style” is expected).
  • Charts that provide information tied to your paper are not required. If used, they must be included only in an appendix and not in the paper. Charts do not count as content and cannot be included in the main body of the paper. They must be properly cited and can only be used if allowed. Publications and websites generally do not allow for their graphics to be copied. Check the terms of use for each chart before including.
  • Reference page is separate from the content pages (that is, it is not one of the eight pages that are required for this paper). You must provide a list of every resource used in researching and formulating your paper.

o You must have a minimum of eight references.

o Acceptable references include: both online and written publications.

o For webpage citations, make sure that they are reputable and recognizable (in other words, industry known websites). You need to include the links to these sites. If you cite factual statements coming from these websites, you must also include links directly to the information or provide a description of where they can be found on those websites.

o For written publications, make sure that they are reputable and recognizable (that is, once again, industry known credible publications). In this case, the name of the publication, author, publisher, date, etc. should be listed. If you make factual statements, statistics, etc., make sure to cite them (that is, you must list the page numbers so that I can locate them to double-check).

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