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Explain which techniques for argument you used (such as how you used logic and reason, authority and credibility, or emotion; how you addressed and refuted opposing viewpoints; how you organized your essay; and how your sources contribute to your argument).

To complete your posts, follow these steps very carefully and thoroughly:

Carefully review all areas of Unit 9.

Make sure your Argumentative Essay is in the best shape possible, applying any revisions you deem necessary to your Unit 8 draft before posting.

Your draft should adhere to all elements of the Drafting an Argumentative Essay assignment and scoring guide, including APA style.

For instructions and examples related to in-text citation and end referencing of library articles, please refer to the Argumentative Essay Sample resource. Refer also to the APA section of A Writer’s Reference, under Article from a Database and/or to The Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers, APA section (starting on page 453), Article from a Journal. Remember: The only sources you may use for this essay are peer-reviewed scholarly library sources.

After you have completed these steps, write a main discussion post in which you give your classmates some information about your paper.

Explain which techniques for argument you used (such as how you used logic and reason, authority and credibility, or emotion; how you addressed and refuted opposing viewpoints; how you organized your essay; and how your sources contribute to your argument).

Explain what plans you have for revisions, and what questions you would like your reviewers to answer.

Then attach your draft to the post. Do not write your draft in the text field for the message. Be sure to return to the discussion to find out what your peers and instructor have said about your draft.

You are also strongly encouraged to make use of Smarthinking during this drafting and revision stage of your Argumentative Essay. Smarthinking is a free service provided to you as a Capella learner that allows you to submit any writing assignment for a free review from a qualified tutor. If you would like to use this excellent tool, click the link in the Resources section.

Do not begin reading and reviewing your classmates’ essays until you have thoroughly reviewed the media piece, Performing Peer Review: Argumentative Essay.

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