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Provide a written report around 900 words in length in which you evaluate the effectiveness of the multi-channel system designed and operated by you in Assessment Task 1: Evaluate the system’s effectiveness in capturing and reproducing an audio source.

Sound Production Practice 2 LO3 Assessment – Written Evaluation

Assessment task instructions

For this assessment you will provide a written report around 900 words in length in which you evaluate the effectiveness of the multi-channel system designed and operated by you in Assessment Task 1. You will evaluate the system’s effectiveness in capturing and reproducing an audio source.

You must accurately and clearly explain the choice of equipment and the techniques you used to capture and reproduce the audio source.

Recording equipment would include: microphone selection, placement, multi-channel recorder and monitoring system.

Techniques could include: coincident pairs (including mid and side), near-coincident pairs, spaced pairs, binaural techniques, spot microphones or combination techniques.

Reproduction equipment would include multi-channel playback device, multi-speaker monitoring system and an appropriate mix down device for the chosen format.

The following points should be considered for evaluation:

♦ Imaging — the effectiveness of the system at capturing and reproducing the original sound field.

Reference should be made to width, depth and height: their capture and reproduction, localization accuracy of the reproduced sound field when compared to the original

♦ Acoustic conditions — evaluate the acoustic conditions and the effect on techniques employed at the time of recording.

Reference should be made to the effect of the direct to reverberate ratio and the ambient noise level of the spatial recording technique(s)

♦ Reproduction systems — Reference should be made to how accurately the reproduction system was able to reproduce the original sound field. E.g. 5.1, 5.0, 4.0

♦ Effectiveness — compare your system with other current multi-speaker formats. Reference should be made to other current multi-speaker formats e.g. stereo, 5.1, 5.1 (phantom), 4.0, 7.1, binaural

1: Effectiveness of Recording Equipment (with reference to imaging)

2: Effectiveness of Monitoring System (with reference to imaging)

3: Acoustic Conditions.

4: Effectiveness and Comparison.

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