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Which four (4) components does the article point out are needed for the U.S. healthcare system to succeed?

Quality Control.

Read the Care Redesign Article

Answer the following questions:

Which four (4) components does the article point out are needed for the U.S. healthcare system to succeed?

The one recommendation form the ten cited in the Institute of Medicine Report to improve quality and reduce cost that is described in the article?

A recent factor to be identified of reducing cost is?

Name four (4) factors that influence patient outcomes described in the article.

Name the four (4) different nursing care delivery models and give a short description of each.

What is the meaning of the term “lean” as described in the article.

Summarize the method utilized in the study to offer a higher-quality and lower cost method for acute care in just a few sentences.

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Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards.

Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file.

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