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Critically examine whether alumni have benefited and gained the skills needed for working in the events industry after attending university.

The structure of the proposal must include these headings:
1. Aim
2. Objectives
3. Background to study
4. Methodology
5. References

1. This is the aim that I have written and would like for you to find academic literature that has the same aim to support this.

Aim: To critically examine whether alumni have benefited and gained the skills needed for working in the events industry after attending university.

2. The objectives must relate to the literature review and methodology. I only need 4 more objectives as I have already written the first objective, which is:
1. To identify the skills that are needed to become a successful event manager.

3. The background to study is the basis of the dissertation. I would like an overview of the literature, explaining why it will be used and whether there are other scholars that have researched this area as well.

4. The methodology must support the background to study and I would like the methodology to be interviews. Please find literature that uses only that method and explain why it was chosen, the benefits and limitations.

5. There should be at least 6 references to support the proposal

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