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How have your life experiences, choices, and values shaped you as a storyteller? What has influenced your unique voice?


In general, state your purpose in applying for graduate study. Describe your scholarly and research area(s) of interest (Film Directing), experiences that contributed to your preparation in the field, and your plans for your future occupation or profession. Briefly describe experiences that have prepared you for advanced study or research, and provide any additional information that may aid the selection committee in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for graduate study at UCLA. If you are applying for a research masters or doctoral program, you are encouraged to indicate specific research interests and potential faculty mentors.



The Cinematic Arts Personal Statement will be read by the admissions committee as a measure of creativity, self-awareness and vision. We are looking for a sense of you as a unique individual and how your distinctive experiences, characteristics, background, values and/or views of the world have shaped who you are and what you want to say as a creative filmmaker. We want to know about the kind of stories you want to tell. Bear in mind that enthusiasm for watching films, descriptions of your favorite films and the involvement in the filmmaking process is common in most candidates. As a result, we encourage that you focus on your individuality. Note that there is no standard format or correct answer. (1,000 words or less)



The narrative statement is a very important part of your application for admission. It allows you the opportunity to express who you are as an individual and a filmmaker, your desires to pursue your area of interest, and explain to us how the AFI Conservatory will contribute to your goal as a filmmaker.

This document should 1-3 pages in length, double spaced, listing your name, discipline, “Fall 2020” at the top of each page, and saved as a PDF. Please include the following elements:

Your background.

Your motivation for applying to the discipline.

Why AFI Conservatory?



Discuss the subjects and inquiries that prompt your artistic work. Expound upon how your personal background, influences, experiences, and views as an artist and individual resonate in terms of formal choices, aesthetics, and content in your film making practice. Explain why you’ve chosen to apply to the CalArts Film Directing Program specifically, and how you imagine contributing to the community of artists here. You should also include your professional artistic goals and how you think this program will help you accomplish those goals.



  1. Personal statement
    In a statement accompanying your application, we are interested in learning what inspires you to make films, what sorts of films you want to make, and a brief description of your favorite filmmakers. Explain why you feel they are important. In what ways do you want your own work to contribute to or make a difference in the world, and how? We are also interested in hearing about any professional experience that you have accrued in the film industry.



Your personal statement should be a story about you. How have your life experiences, choices, and values shaped you as a storyteller? What has influenced your unique voice? Tell us about three films, TV shows or plays that had an impact on you and why. Describe the last three books you read. Why do you want to attend the MFA Production program at Loyola Marymount University? (fewer than 1000 words).


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