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How many different ways did H. B. Fuller management, both in the US and in Honduras, try to answer the ethical issue?

  1. Read pages 21 through page 52 of the Donaldson-Werhane text.

    Answer the following questions by either attaching a document appropriately numbered or responding in this text box. Read all the questions first so that you can see where it is going.

    State an ethical issue as you see it in the H.B. Fuller case. (One sentence) (An ethical issue asks a question to be answered by moral values. I.e., how to decide what is the right thing to do?)
    How would Milton Friedman answer the question as you stated it? ( I.e., what does Friedman value?)
    How would Dr. Freeman answer it differently?
    How many different ways did H. B. Fuller management, both in the US and in Honduras, try to answer the ethical issue?
    What is your personal view of what should be done, if anything?

    2) Go back and read pages 1 through 20 of the Donaldson-Werhane text, and then look at the PowerPoint lecture below on moral value theory. These moral value theories will be used throughout the course.

    After reviewing the moral values answer the following two questions briefly (after thinking about it). You can add them here or download a separate page.

    1. Who are you as defined by qualities that you have regardless of financial, professional or academic success?

    2. What are a couple of things you would never do to get a job, advance in a job, land a contract, etc.? (you know what I mean.)

    3) Read Donaldson-Werhane pages 54 through 78, including the Italian bank case and the articles on Kant and Aristotle. The bank case sets up a very real ethical conundrum arising out of globalized business systems. It also highlights what we will discuss as “cultural relativism” in later chapters. Identify for yourself the ethical issue the banker faces in one sentence contrasting at least two ethical values that are in conflict. Then respond to the discussion “So, What Is Truth?” question below.

    If the banker follows the Italian reporting system for corporate taxes is he trapped into not telling the truth, or is there another ethical explanation?

    4) Read pages 89-100 on John Dewey’s pragmatism. This simply adds to your arsenal the moral value theory as described by Dewey.

    Write a one page case brief on any one of the cases discussed this week going back to H B Fuller on page 21. The case brief should be short and to the point. It should follow the guidelines set forth in the syllabus concerning Case Brief Format. Apply any of the moral principles we have talked about to your issue. Tie your discussion to the authors you have read. The solution to every ethical question begins with who you already are.

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