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What are some of the quality improvement processes that you are involved with or that are currently in place in your organization? What other QI projects need to be done and why?

There are two aspects to this assignment. For the first portion, you are to interview a nurse (must have minimum BSN, but can have a masters or doctoral degree in nursing) who has a nursing position in some facet of leadership. Secondly, you will need to create a PowerPoint presentation to report on your findings in the interview.

You will deliver a 10-slide presentation as outlined below. You should have one slide for each content area from your interview.

SLIDE 1-Credentials [Initials of the person you have interviewed, degree of the interviewee, role of the interviewee (such as AH, DNP, Nurse Educator) or (E.L., BSN, NICU charge nurse)]

SLIDE 2- What are the aspects of leadership within your role?

SLIDE 3- What are the skills and attributes needed in your role that help you to be successful? What does success mean to you in terms of your position?

SLIDE 4- What are the challenges of this practice role that you have experienced?

SLIDE 5- What are the advantages of this practice role that you perceive?

SLIDE 6- What are some of the quality improvement processes that you are involved with or that are currently in place in your organization? What other QI projects need to be done and why? Are there any barriers to accomplishing these needed projects? If so, what are they, and what is the plan to move forward?

SLIDE 7- What are the legislative issues and public policy issues affecting/impacting this role/practice?
SLIDE 8- What are the opportunities for influencing public policy in this role?
SLIDE 9- What are the social, political, cultural, and economic factors/trends recognized in this role?
SLIDE 10- Summarize your interview, including your impression of the interviewee’s role.

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