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Critically evaluate a classic argument.Formulate the structured response from your own close reading of the text.

Style of writing is —-Critical Evaluation Essay
Topic is I have a dream by MLK Jr

Critically evaluate a classic argument.
Choose one argument from the historic American works listed in the “Supplemental Readings” section of the course lessons. ( I already did the topic will be I have a dream by MLK)
Decide whether this argument is successful or not. ​​​​​​​
I decide this essay is successful, discuss why. You may use the structure of the argument, the tone, and the various types of support (ethos, pathos, and logos) as proof of the argument’s success.
Make sure that your thesis has an introduction that contains a hook and a thesis, body paragraphs that discuss one proof at a time (one paragraph per example), and a conclusion.
You are not offering personal or historical commentary, or responding to the ideas in the argument; you are evaluating the argument itself, in rhetorical terms.

This paper should be at least 700 words, but no more than 850.
It must be written in third person (do not use the words I, me, us, we, or you).
The essay should also contain citations and a works cited list based on your selected essay in the assigned readings. Formulate the structured response from your own close reading of the text.

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