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What pharmacologic treatment would you prescribe today (be sure to include, at a minimum, drug name, dose, route, frequency)? What other treatment options exist (include other formulations, i.e. ointment, cream, gel, tablet, capsule, IV solution, etc)?

Contact Dermatitis:

Akachi Chizoba is a 51 year old Black, Non-hispanic male who is here today in the Primary Care Office because of a rash on his leg.  His partner, Manuel, and Akachi went camping last weekend.  They were deep in the woods and Akachi thinks he must have come into contact with something that he is allergic to.  He admits the rash is itchy.

You diagnose Akachi with contact dermatitis.


  1. What are non-pharmacologic treatment strategies for the management of an contact dermatitis?
  2. What pharmacologic treatment would you prescribe today (be sure to include, at a minimum, drug name, dose, route, frequency)? What other treatment options exist (include other formulations, i.e. ointment, cream, gel, tablet, capsule, IV solution, etc)?  Why did you choose your treatment option over other available options (if applicable)?
  3. What is the mechanism of action of your selected pharmacologic agent? How does the mechanism of action correlate with the physiology/psychophysiology of contact dermatitis?
  4. What are the most common adverse effects?
  5. What is the cost of your selected treatment option?
  6. Discuss pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of your selected pharmacologic agent (be sure to include, at a minimum, onset, peak, duration, half-life, etc).


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