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Assume that you work for the organization that was the subject of the ethics complaint. Describe the ethics scandal and stakeholders.

Assume that you work for the organization that was the subject of the ethics complaint. You will describe the ethics scandal and stakeholders. Then, using at least two of the articles below, explain how you will update your organization’s CSR policy to avoid similar ethics breaches going forward and regain public trust.
Please research a current (within the past 2 years) scandal involving online privacy. You may use scholarly or credible news sources for the background information (for example, Wall Street Journal, New York Times), but not blogs or news aggregators (such as Huffington Post).

In this assignment, you provide an analysis of a company that is not following its CSR and ethics policies. You will be presenting your response in a short paper. To earn maximum points:
The paper should be 4-5 pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and must follow APA 6th edition guidelines, use Time New Roman, 12-point font, double spacing, with one inch margins.
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence/paragraph structure do matter; spend time editing your paper. Suggest giving yourself a three-day cooling off period between finishing the paper and editing the paper; this approach can make a difference in what you catch and correct.
You must use and cite to the articles listed above, and include at least one additional resource.

The 2 articles to use and cite are uploaded. need to find one more to use and cite.

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