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Discuss the relationship between human resource planning activities and the organization’s strategic development and implementation. Describe the eight elements of the staffing process.

Discuss the relationship between human resource planning activities and the organization’s strategic development and implementation. Describe the eight elements of the staffing process. Examine the relationship between the eight elements of the staffing process and the four activities related to human resource planning.

Based on the information in Chapter 9: Case: Concussion and the National Football League, review the human resource planning process and the previous readings from Chapter 6. Explain the relationship between the four activities of human resource planning and the organization’s strategic planning, development, and implementation.

Bierman, L., Ferrell, O. C., & Ferrell, L. (2016). Management: Principles and applications, custom edition [Electronic version]. Solon, OH: Academic Media Solutions.
Chapter 9: Human Resource Management

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