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Identify issues that commonly occur for managers and evaluate whether these issues are prevalent. Provide justification recommendations on how managers and businesses can overcome the issues presented.

You are to provide human resource managers with practical information they can implement in the workplace.
Identify issues that commonly occur for managers and evaluate whether these issues are prevalent. Provide justification recommendations on how managers and businesses can overcome the issues presented.
Must include:
*Definition and description of business terms and facts relating to discrimination
*Relevant explanation and examples of management and human resources process and practices linked to discrimination
*Identification and explanation of TWO issues that could occur regarding discrimination
*Analysis of the issues and the impact on managers, employees and the workplace
*Evaluate, using criteria, to form decisions on whether your topic selected is prevalent and whether it can be eliminated in the workplace
*Recommendations on how to overcome these issues in the workplace
*Justification on how these will improve the workplace

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