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Principles of Nursing Practice: Evaluate a Holistic Patient Assessment and Critically Appraise the Evidence Relating to Meeting the Essential Care Need/s of that Person

Principles of Nursing Practice: Evaluate a Holistic Patient Assessment and Critically Appraise the Evidence Relating to Meeting the Essential Care Need/s of that Person

LO1 Critically evaluate why nurses take a structured but holistic approach to the assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation and improvement of nursing care.
LO2 Draw upon a knowledge and understanding of psychology and social science in order to articulate how people may have co- existing physical, psychological and socio-economic needs.
LO3 Identify and discuss how an understanding of how development and aging can influence the assessment and planning of care needs
LO4 Critique, synthesise and apply research evidence relating to the delivery of essential nursing care in your own field of practice

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