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Evaluate the effectiveness of the following web-based resource, making reference to appropriate sources of literature.

Assessment 1 (2,000 words, weighted at 50%)
“Evaluating health information resources” – Answer the questions below and use academic literature to support your arguments.

Question 1 (500 words)
Evaluate the effectiveness of the following web-based resource, making reference to appropriate sources of literature: https://www.nhs.uk/change4life

Question 2 (500 words)
Evaluate the effectiveness of the following web-based resource, making reference to appropriate sources of literature: http://www.talktofrank.com/

Question 3 (500 words)
Evaluate the effectiveness of the following web-based resource, making reference to appropriate sources of literature: https://sexwise.fpa.org.uk/

Question 4 (500 words)
Evaluate the effectiveness of the following web-based resource, making reference to appropriate sources of literature: https://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/

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