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Who are our clients? Why are we realizing the project? Who will be our tenants? Any risks for particular target group of customers? What is our strategy? Any marketing? How to approach the customers?

  • Executive Summary
  • Genera analysis of Residential duplexes
  1. Description of RD (briefly just one or two sentences)
  2. Description of Regional area – statistical data and references (where is the information coming from?)
  3. Goals – What are we building? Why?
  4. Constraints – What sort of constraints can we face? Funding? Time? Legal? Other?
  • Environment business drivers
  1. Macro environment;
    • Economic factors, naturally/physical forces, technological factors, demographic forces, social and culture forces, as well as other kinds of effects.
    • They are the drivers that affect the business/project indirectly
    • However, they are significant and important – Why? Provide statistical data and resources
  2. Micro environment;
    • Environment factors involve the suppliers, the resellers, the customers, the competition and the general public
    • They are factors that might affect the project directly – Why? Provide statistical data and resources
  • RD marketplace and market strategy analysis
  1. Who are our clients? Why are we realizing the project?
  2. Who will be our tenants?
  3. Any risks for particular target group of customers?
  4. What is our strategy? Any marketing? How to approach the customers?
  • Timetable:
  • Financial analysis
  • Findings (conclusion) and recommendations
  • Appendixes:
  1. Apendix 1 – Project Feasibility Study
  2. Apendix 2 – Timetable
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