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Describe your pursuits and interests and any associated leadership roles you have experienced outside of academia and animal related activities


General APP: 2000 characters or less for each

  1. There are many career choices within the veterinary profession. What are your future career goals and why?
  • Orthopedic surgeon – combine robotics + medicine
  • Mixed practice vet – small animals + equine
  • would also like to work in research as future goal is to one day be published
  1. In what ways do veterinarians contribute to society and what do you hope to contribute?
  2. Consider the breadth of society which veterinarians serve. What attributes do you believe are essential to be successful within the veterinary profession? Of these attributes, which do you possess and how have you demonstrated these in the past?

U of Sydney: Please answer the following questions in less than 250 words

  1. Describe your pursuits and interests and any associated leadership roles you have experienced outside of academia and animal related activities.
  2. What are your career aspirations in the veterinary profession and how does that fit with your view of the roles of the veterinarian?


Question 1: In 300 words, summarize your academic experience: successes, challenges and overall performance. If you had gaps, withdrawals, failed courses or low academic workload, provide an explanation.

  • Talk about how I started college at a very young age (14) and had a tough time adjusting first couple semesters
  • Had to retake gen chem 1 – struggled but overcame

Question 2: In 300 words, describe one or two experiences that you feel have prepared you to enter veterinary school. Explain how these experiences have prepared you for the rigors of the program and as a future veterinarian

Talk about HBOI Semester by the Sea program – was very rigorous and long hours studying and working on research (took 19 credits) but was most rewarding semester in undergrad.

Question 3: From the list below, select two words that best describe you and one word that is an area for improvement. Consider situations from your life that demonstrate these qualities. If you do not identify with any of these words, then you may choose your own. Please provide an explanation for your choices in 300 words.



Question 4: You have been involved in a discussion that addresses one of the topics below. Select one topic and in 500 words, design a clear strategy that demonstrates how you will support or counter your selected topic. Consider your experiences. The goal should be convincing and your strategy valid and defensible. Consider all sides of the issue.


  • Use of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s)
  • Use of growth hormone in the dairy industry
  • Use of antibiotics in the feed in poultry industry
  • Effects of global warming
  • Mandatory vaccination for children

Question 5: In 300 words, explain what diversity and inclusion means to you and its importance in the veterinary medicine profession. Describe how your uniqueness, experiences or personal story contributes to the diversity of the incoming class.


Please respond to each of the following questions in 1200 characters or less per question. These questions are intentionally open-ended with no right or wrong answers so that you can provide the Admissions Committee with more information about yourself. When giving examples, please choose those that best illustrate your point, regardless of whether they are from a veterinary setting.

  1. Describe a situation in which your actions have had a significant impact.
  2. Describe a situation where you have learned from experience.
  3. Describe a situation where circumstances were against you and how you made it work for you.

Di. Describe a challenge or problem you have faced in the past, and how you reached a solution.

Dii. If you had to face this challenge again, would you do anything differently and why?


CSU: all under 1000 characters each

  1. Pursuing a career in veterinary medicine is academically, financially, and personally challenging yet can be highly rewarding. What drives you to pursue a DVM degree in the face of those challenges?
  2. The CSU DVM program strives to create a supportive, diverse, and inclusive environment. How can you contribute to these efforts?
  3. Other than English, please list languages you speak, well enough to understand and articulate over 50% of a specific conversation with a native speaker. 600 characters
  • French citizen, speak French and grew up with French traditions.
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